daily epiphanie

a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something.....

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Location: Chula Vista, California, United States

Friday, August 04, 2006

This weeks realizations...

  1. I have not had a ciggarette in 66 days.:)
  2. My waistline can vouch for it.:(
  3. Simple auto accidents can be stressfull.(even for insurance agents)
  4. My 7 year old son never ceases to amaze me.
  5. Using yahoo's site builder is not as simple as the tutorials make it seem.

I will elaborate more on these five things probably later this weekend, Ciao!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In regards to your "realizations" i must counter those (with a little humor of course...)

1. i havent had a cigarette since October- compensated by smoking too much of something else, and now i cant even do the math on how many days it has been
2. MY waistline is unfortunatley hereditary
3. my 22 year old boyfriend never ceases to amaze me...(wink, wink)
4. umm, come on now, didnt i already show you the ropes when it comes to car accidents? i thought i was the reason you got into insurance...? tee hee hee
5. ( did this on my own since i cant remember if you had a #5) i need to stop rewardng myself with ice-cream or the 'Grand Slam' from Denny's after i go to the gym...and please refer to item #2 in regards to this.

2:19 PM  

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