daily epiphanie

a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something.....

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Location: Chula Vista, California, United States

Monday, April 09, 2007

I failed him.

Don't panick I haven't done anything horrible, at least not what society today would call horrible or child abuse. Before I explain what I mean let me tell you about a discussion I had with my son Alec and you will see what I mean.

A couple of weeks ago my son and I were sitting on my bed talking as we often do. I don't exactly remember the whole conversation, but He was telling me about a student in his class who is very rude and doesn't have any manners because she was an orphan. Then he went on to tell me that this new student was a Jew. I said Alec why would you call her that and he went on to say well she is a Jew just like Anne Frank. At first I was very taken a back. How could my son say something like. I had to tell him that saying Jew was not acceptable. It was like someone calling him the N-word. He looked me in the eyes and just asked me why mommy. I didn't go into a long deteil but I did that that is a very derogatory term and he was satisfied.

It was then I knew that I had in some way failed him as a parent. On a very loose term I have been treating him like Siddartha. Sheltering him. Unlike me he watches cartoons instead of the news. I try not to tell him to much about the harsh realities of life because in my mind I want to protect him. The fact is I alone am raising him to be in a way ignorant to the world around him.

On a lighter note I still have time to finish raising him right. It's a good thing that while spoiled he is naturally compassionate to all around him.

Ja Ne


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