daily epiphanie

a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something.....

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Location: Chula Vista, California, United States

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Spread Thin

Over the last several weeks I have noticed that I have been spreading myself thin. The sad thing is I can't stop. I told myself as soon as baseball was over for my son I would be able to relax. Yeah, that lasted about one Sunday.

I don't really feel overwhelmed yet but I can tell I am not giving 100% to all the thing that require 100% or more.

I don't know maybe the effect are projected outward so my body doesn't just shut down. If you were to pass me on the street you would think I'm a boring person. How busy could I possibly be? I only have one child who's eight. If you haven't read my previous post, I happen to be his personal assistant. So weekends I have with him usually involves a party or some type of activity so he doesn't get bored.

When I don't have him my life is consumed with working my full-time job, building my business, and preparing for college. I complain and sometimes I wish I could give up something but at this point in my life I can't. I guess I am a firm believer in I brought all this upon myself so now I have to deal with it. What keeps me going though is my son and the fact that I know in a few years it will all be worth it.



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