daily epiphanie

a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something.....

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Location: Chula Vista, California, United States

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Bulgur-Filled Aubergines

This is was a little hard to make, but well worth it. I had to substitute the Bulgur-wheat with vegetarian ground burger. It came out a little bland, we sprinkled some Parmesan cheese over the top. That really helped to bring out the flavor.

Friday, January 25, 2008

New Hobby

For the new year I decided on a fairly drastic lifestyle change. As of January 1, 2008 I became a vegetarian. As of 1/6/08 I also quit smoking. This weekend I I will be incorporating an exercise regimen as well. In order to be a proper vegetarian I bought some cook books. The day I quit smoking I made this dish:
It's called Quinoa (keen-wah) with Pistachios Pilaf. I found it mighty tasty but it did need some soy sauce. With this change in my diet I have to cook which make me very conscious of what I eat. This week I am making an eggplant dish. Very exciting!!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

How did 2008 sneak up on me??

Well 23 days in and I still can't believe it's 2008. Not that I'm complaining, I was ready for 2007 to be over. It wasn't the worst year but, not the best for me. Not that I want to recap on the year.

I have finally found that balance in my life that has made me happy to be me. My spirit has finally let go of old baggage, not that I'm ready for anyone new.

My mission for this year:
Catch up with old friends, make new ones, visit family. I also really need to get up to date with my blogging I fell off for a long while. Be happy.
