daily epiphanie

a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something.....

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Location: Chula Vista, California, United States

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


You know the old saying, you don't miss it till it's gone. Well I miss my Internet. There I said it. For about a year now I have been battling with my cable modem and wireless router. I think either one or both of them are fried, or just plain hate me. Last night I could get on to check email, watch midget porn ( just kidding) you know the stuff I can't while at work. I can honestly say that I am completely irritated. More so with Cox cable. It's bad enough my digital cable service freezes on favorites shows, and it doesn't just freeze in the beginning, no, no, no. It waits until the climax of the show. Which is why I've given up television all together. Forget about watching anything educational, because half of my discovery channels don't work.

Back to my main rant, I am seriously considering switching to DSL, not only is it a little bit cheaper but I am growing more and more confident it will be a lot more reliable.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Spread Thin

Over the last several weeks I have noticed that I have been spreading myself thin. The sad thing is I can't stop. I told myself as soon as baseball was over for my son I would be able to relax. Yeah, that lasted about one Sunday.

I don't really feel overwhelmed yet but I can tell I am not giving 100% to all the thing that require 100% or more.

I don't know maybe the effect are projected outward so my body doesn't just shut down. If you were to pass me on the street you would think I'm a boring person. How busy could I possibly be? I only have one child who's eight. If you haven't read my previous post, I happen to be his personal assistant. So weekends I have with him usually involves a party or some type of activity so he doesn't get bored.

When I don't have him my life is consumed with working my full-time job, building my business, and preparing for college. I complain and sometimes I wish I could give up something but at this point in my life I can't. I guess I am a firm believer in I brought all this upon myself so now I have to deal with it. What keeps me going though is my son and the fact that I know in a few years it will all be worth it.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Personal Assistant

I have declared myself the P.A. to Mr Alec Miller aka Prince Alec of 25 E Flower st.

I think it's really funny how I plan my life activities and so on around his schedule. Over the past two weeks he's had baseball games two recitals. He still has 2 more to go. What can I say though, I love every minute of it.



Ther still have not been any updates on Brittany Hart's disapperance. We went searching last weekend and will do so again this weekend. For more info visit the website dedicated to her search. www.BrittanyHart.com

Ja Ne

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Sad Day

For those of you who don't know, a friend of my brother's has been missing for two weeks now. It's like she vanished without a trace. My brother has been putting fliers up along with her family and have been on the news see the story from channel 10News, today we find out that a man was arrested for her murder although no body has been found. I still hope with all that is in me that she will be found.

I guess I really am one of those people who don't believe until something traumatic hits close to home. let me clarify. I have always believed that there is good in all and everyone deserves a second chance. How can I do that now. I can't change who I am because of one person, but there are hundreds possibly thousands of men like him all around.

My heart goes out to Brittany's family I couldn't even fathom what they are going through right now.

Ja Ne